Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


What are American schools teaching and allowing our children to watch and hear in the classrooms? I’m a para-professional in the 742 school district.
I work with elementary level students from kindergarten through sixth grade. I’m also a Bible believing Christian.
Recently I was told by the principal where I work, that I could not let the students view a Christian-based Easter story, animated version of Jesus Christ. The video had Christian values which seems they are not allowed to view or hear, but they can watch other videos that contain foul language and inappropriate scenes not suitable for elementary students.
I was really hurt by this, but I count it all joy for God, the maker of heaven and earth. The Bible says Christians will be hated and persecuted for our faith. American schools are under attack for their
Christian values.
Julius C. Two Hearts,
Clear Lake, MN.