Friday, July 26th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


In order to create and maintain excellent schools it takes support from the community, good facilities, effective leadership and a dedicated staff. Becker schools have this. Almost 12 years ago we moved to Becker for several reasons one being the schools. We have not been disappointed!
Since then, one of our two children has graduated and one is at the high school level. Becker schools and staff have connected with our children, challanged and guided them. As parents we know the teachers are making and have made a difference in our children’s lives.
Right now our teachers our teachers do not have a contract. They have been working without a contract since the fall. The way the negotiation process works can be defeating, difficult  and pit the administration/ school board and the staff on opposite sides. 
The reality is this: schools can have the most recent technology, the best facilities and excellent leadership but without dedicated, talented and caring teachers, our children will not receive a superior education.
Please encourage and support a fair contract so Becker schools can continue making a difference in our children’s lives.
Support our schools and our teachers.
Greg and Barb Mann
Becker, MN