I just want to thank the Patriot for helping me know who I’m going to vote for in the next election when it comes to county commissioner. It can be difficult to ascertain where the candidates actually stand on the issues, particularly the anti American, communist ideology of DEI. I now know that Ms. Danielowski and Mr. Gray will not have my vote in the next election. Thank you for providing this clarity for me.
Holly Swanson
Big Lake, MN
Donald Trump’s second term has been “interesting”. One of his first acts was to pardon multiple people who had violently assaulted police officers on Jauary 6th. As the son of a former St. Paul police officer, I found that to be appalling and disgraceful. Since then the elected billionaire (Trump) has unleashed the unelected oligarch (Musk) and his young underlings to invade government offices and peruse through the personal and confidential records of every American citizen (including Social Security and IRS records). Further, he has directed his plutocrat friend to fire federal employees with no due process and with seemingly no plan or research. That has led to the firing of nuclear safety workers and air traffic controllers whom they are now desperately trying to rehire. Despite our nation being the richest country and most stable democracy in the world, it is currently being run like a third rate banana republic.
Anthony Thompson.
Big Lake, MN