Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


No, No and No Big Lake School District! Imagine you buy a car from the local car dealer.  You and the dealer sign a contract that says you will make payments for 10 years.  After nine years the dealer tells you to pay an additional 10 years.  And with a straight face says, “but don’t worry, I’ll keep your payments the same so it won’t cost you more money.”  What?  Are you kidding me?  I would tell that school district (oops, car dealer) “no, no and no!” School district referendums are for a specific amount of money and for a set period of time.  Extending existing taxes (questions one and three) is a tax increase.  Question two is an outright big money increase and would cost the average homeowner an additional $1,800.  Question three would put the taxpayers in debt again for $29 million.  If you rent, think your rent will go up? Three ‘no’ votes will reduce your school district property taxes, but three ‘yes’ votes would be a huge property tax increase!  Hence it says on your ballot that a ‘yes’ vote is a vote to increase your taxes.  Vote ‘no’ and keep voting ‘no!’

Timothy Myers 

Big Lake, MN


Minnesota’s largest public safety organization urges your support and vote for re-electing Representative Shane Mekeland. Rank-and-file police officers know he is a strong supporter of increased public safety and a champion of local law enforcement officials and first responders. With increasing crime, it’s especially important to stop all efforts to defund, demoralize, or demonize local public safety officials. Everyone deserves to be in safe, and communities rely on public safety officials to deter criminals and aid victims of crime. The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association hopes you will join us and vote for Rep. Shane Mekeland on November 5.

Brian Peters

Executive Director

Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association


I’ve received two flyers regarding the three question school levy. The first flyer said “No new tax increase”, but the second flyer actually printed the ballot question and it’s the tax “rate” that will not increase, so if your property increases in value you will be paying more.  In this inflationary time period I would like to see my taxes go down. The second question, they wish to increase the revenue per student by $400.  First it would have been nice and more transparent if they were to tell us what the current amount per student is.  Is it $500 or $5,000 or more?  And why is this termed as “revenue”, when it’s “spending” per student. And then the final question, asking for $29 million to build an additional gym?  What do we need that for?  BL enrollment has been declining steadily from 3,560 students in 2008-09 to todays 3,111 students.  And again reading the actual ballot question it says that they can spend this money on things other than a new gym.  The flyer again states “no new tax increase”, but what they really mean is let’s keep spending as if we were replacing roofs and heating systems.  Why don’t we quit spending so that our taxes can go down?

 Bret R. Collier

Big Lake, MN


    Recently, there was a report all over the news about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio eating their neighbors’ pets. Even after the story was debunked, the Republican candidates for President and Vice President continued to share this misinformation. While all is not perfect in Springfield, the Haitian immigrants have given the City new life. They are working, earning paychecks and spending their money in the City. And they are NOT eating their neighbors’ pets.  Because of the misinformation, schools had to be closed and people were in fear for their lives. Life in the city was disrupted. So how did Tom Emmer respond to this situation? When interviewed on CNN by Kate Bolduan in mid-September, Emmer refused to address the unfounded conspiracy theories. Even though Ohio’s Republican Governor had called the conspiracies harmful and disgusting, Emmer refused to take a stand against them. This is not the sort of leadership our country needs. We have a choice. Jeanne Hendricks will not spread misinformation. She will represent us well.  Check out her website. Learn about her values. And by all means, VOTE!

MaryJo Cobb 

Becker, MN