Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


Say YES to Owen and Keiderling. Two years ago, while campaigning for his current seat, Orrock Township Supervisor D, handed out literature stating “he is strongly committed to open and transparent government that is responsive to citizens.” Here we are nearly two years later and at every opportunity he has voted NO to openness and transparency. He has voted NO to publishing video meetings, NO to allowing email subscriptions for citizens and most recently in May 2024, NO to tabling discussion to raise speed limits - per meeting minutes posted on Orrocktownship.com, after an item to raise speed limits was added to an agenda after the meeting had already started, a motion was made by Supervisor Felber “to have this tabled and placed on an official agenda so that citizens could be heard.” She could not get a second. He essentially voted NO to hear what the citizens have to say on the issue. It is time for YES! A vote for Peter Owen and Dalton Keiderling is Yes to transparency! Yes, to pause and listen to the citizens! Yes to published Video recordings and not just synopsis minutes! You no longer will need to wait a month to find out what happens at a meeting! Vote Owen and Keiderling as your Orrock Township Supervisors.

Ted Schutta

Orrock Twp.


I don’t need someone to make a down-payment on my house, I don’t need my education paid for, I don’t need my child-care paid for, I don’t need open borders, I don’t need lawlessness/crime, 

I don’t need war, I don’t need inflation, I don’t need higher taxes and more regulations, and I don’t need an abortion which is the same as murder,  I do not want my children and grandchildren brainwashed  into believing men can become women and have babies and women can become men .... this is insane! I don’t need children to be exposed to such rhetoric. So why vote for a democrat? I’m voting for “FREEDOM,” The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the Unborn, everything America stands for. And may Donald Trump “Make America Great Again”  so we can once again be proud of our country and to be an American! 

Marie Neuman 



The American two-party system has been a vital part of our democracy.  I believe that it is imperative that we have both a strong conservative party and progressive party because it seems to me that the right and left ideally offset each other, bringing law and policy closer to the moderate center. Traditional conservative values include limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets, rule of law, and peace through strength, including protecting America’s strategic interests abroad. But Trump and the Republican National Committee platform do not adhere to many of these principles.   Their stated goal is to bring the entire government under direct presidential control, giving the president unprecedented power and disrupting the principle on which our nation was founded and which protects us, its citizens:  That is three equal branches of government which provide checks and balances on one another. Many Republicans who worked with and for Trump during his first term have spoken out against his candidacy because they have seen him to be unfit.  They have been joined by hundreds of former Republican U.S. Representatives, former and current U.S. Senators and other officials, especially those in national security and defense. Consequently, I will join with pro-democracy conservative groups such as Republican Voters Against Trump to support Kamala Harris for President.

Marlys Kolbinger

Becker, MN


As a current member of the Big Lake School Board, I am writing to express my personal support for the upcoming Referendum on November 5. The thoughts expressed here are my own and do not represent the Big Lake School District. This referendum is vital for ensuring that all students, especially those in special education, receive the individualized support they need to succeed. An inclusive academic environment is essential, as it creates opportunities for collaboration and understanding among all students. By investing in facilities that cater to diverse learning needs, we prepare every student for future academic and personal success. The proposed multi-purpose facility will provide unique programming for our community, allowing us to host various events and activities. This will not only enhance the educational experience but also attract businesses and entrepreneurs looking to invest in Big Lake. A strong school system signals to potential business owners that our community is committed to nurturing talent and innovation, making Big Lake an attractive place to establish new ventures. By fostering an inclusive environment and stimulating our local economy through unique programming and events, this referendum will empower our students and strengthen our community. 

Derek Nelson

Big Lake, MN