Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


Tariff(s): “a tax levied by a government on imports … for purposes of protection, support of the balance of payments, or the raising of revenue.” This is the definition you will find on Dictionary.com and in any economics textbook. In the past century their use has become less necessary due to the rise of free markets and international trade. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930 was one of the primary reasons the Great Depression was so devastating to American industries and what made the depression a global disaster. Former President Trump has made tariffs the center point of his campaign, but he doesn’t seem to understand how tariffs work, constantly insisting “[they are] paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us” even though this is not how tariffs work, foreign nations DO NOT pay tariffs, the citizens/companies of the United States pay the price. When Trump raised tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese retaliated by raising tariffs on American goods; China is the #1 importer of American agriculture and farmers all over the US were hurt when the Chinese stopped buying their products. The Trump administration was forced to spend billions bailing out farmers for something Donald Trump caused and his mistake cost people their farms, jobs, and livelihoods. We the people cannot afford to pay the price for the ignorance/stupidity of someone who claims to “know more about trade than anybody else.” It will cost us dearly and we shall regret it.

Adam Seitz

Clear Lake, MN


I recently saw a post on Facebook in which an (alleged) Christian wrote: “You cannot pray for righteousness and holiness and vote for wickedness and evil. Vote Republican”. Which lead me to wonder how anyone can consider themselves a patriot and Christian who condems an entire political party as “evil” (and half the people of this nation who vote for it)? I have seen similar sentiments by letter writers on this page, BTW. I further wonder how someone who considers themselves righteous and holy can be voting for a Presidential candidate who has been involved in adultery, two divorces, bragged of “grabbing p***y”, evaded the draft, operated as a conman for decades (Trump University, etc.) and shamelessly coddled Putin, Kim and other dictators. And GOP Senate candidate Royce White has a record of illegally spending campaign funds on personal items, including visits to strip clubs. And the Republican Jewish Coalition has labelled him as an anti-semite. So it’s hard to reconcile claims of holiness and righteousness with slavish devotion to candidates such as them. And it’s difficult, I believe, for anyone to condemn half of their fellow citizens as being stupid or evil and yet claim to be super-patriots. That just doesn’t pass the smell test.

Anthony Thompson

Big Lake, MN


Orrock Township Residents. This year, you have two candidates that are running for the position Supervisor D.  I will not tell you who to vote for – that is your choice to make.  I implore you to do your research on the two candidates that are running for the position of Supervisor D for Orrock Township.  I believe that, if you do, the choice will be clear.  Gary Goldsmith has served as treasurer of Orrock Township for four years and has served as Supervisor D for the past two years.   Gary brings the needed experience and knowledge to the position of Supervisor D.  Orrock Township is primarily responsible for meeting the needs for good roads, ensuring that the residents have reliable fire services coverage and stable taxes.  Gary stands for open government that involves its citizens and treats everyone equally.   When Gary served as treasurer, he ensured that the township levy remained steady – in fact the tax rate went down – while Orrock Township continues to build a fund balance in the road and bridge fund so that future road re-construction projects will not put a burden on the taxpayers.  Gary has been planning for the future of the township.  Gary was also instrumental in re-negotiating the two fire services coverage contracts (with ZLFD and BLFD) to ensure that the township maintains fire services coverage at a reasonable and stable rate.  Gary was also on the building committee that planned the building of the new Orrock Town Hall.  A project that came in on budget and will be a facility that will serve the township well into the future. The Big Lake Chamber of Commerce held a candidates’ political forum on Monday, September 23rd.   The recording of the forum will be made available on their website.  I implore you to watch the forum so that you can make your own, well-informed decision in voting for the position of Supervisor D for Orrock Township.  

Chris Weber

Orrock Township


While changing the litter box the other day, a paragraph in an article in a local newspaper caught my eye.  In it, the writer opined that Donald Trump is “not an existential threat to our country.”  Whew!  He really had me going there when he told his rally audiences that they only need to elect him to the presidency, and they would “never have to worry about voting again.”  I was obviously confused by my civics teachers back in high school, who maintained that voting was the right and privilege of every American citizen, and the backbone of our Democracy. What a relief! The paragraph concluded with the memorable line “and he left office at the end of his term.” Which he did, after summoning thousands of his adoring fans to Washington D.C. for a rally in which he instructed them to march to the Capitol to prevent the Vice-President from officially accepting the election results. Some may recall the results of that action, which Trump, after promising to lead his flock on their 1/6 rampage, watched from the safety of his bunker while the mayhem went on. The ”peaceful transfer of power” was another American tradition those civics teachers emphasized, several of whom were WW II combat veterans who fought and saw their comrades fall in the struggle against fascism. You know, those “suckers and losers” Trump is so eager to despise today. Never said anything about the four years Trump has spent saying he was “cheated” in the last election. In MAGA world, cheating happens when the other candidate gets more votes than you do.

David L. Hannula

Big Lake