Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


    This election season is making me very tired.        I’m especially tired of the finger-pointing, lies, name-calling and inflammatory language used by Tom Emmer. He promises a bright future for our country but offers no viable, constructive solutions. Inflammatory words, finger-pointing and lying without providing workable solutions is at the root of political violence. On several national issues, viable solutions have been proposed but Tom Emmer has opposed them. When Democrats and Republicans came together to create and pass an immigration bill, Tom Emmer helped to kill that bill so that immigration would remain a divisive issue in this election campaign. When President Biden called for a two-state solution in Gaza, Tom Emmer called him a “political racist”. While the economy is at its best in years, Tom Emmer claims angrily that President Biden’s efforts have failed. Tom Emmer is a climate change denier, regularly bad-mouthing green energy efforts. We have a choice in Congressional District 6 this year. Jeanne Hendricks is an educated, informed, level-headed candidate who will not stoop to lying, name-calling, or verbal attacks. Check out her website. Talk to her. She deserves your support.

Mary Jo Cobb,

Becker, MN.


   The thought of Czar Waltz being considered for V.P. is frightening.  He failed, lied and abused his power during COVID.  He failed to respond during the Floyd riots. He wasted and mismanaged the billions of surplus money.   Czar Waltz failed to prepare and respond to the horrible floods and dam failures (his administration was warned by FEMA and MEMA of the impending floods and did nothing.) Czar Waltz is a midwest WOKE puppet of the radical left. He is a failed governor and would be a failed and dangerous Vice President. 

George Quinn,

Big Lake, MN.