Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


I am writing concerning your  (US Postal Service) proposals concerning the relocation of the Becker ‘s main office. This isn’t a main post office - it is our ONLY post office in Becker, MN. As the former postmaster (23.5 years served in Becker), I am majorly concerned about this proposition by USPS. I worked long and hard, growing the post office from one rural route to five rural routes. Now it has six rural routes. According to the card you (post office) sent to all residents in Becker, we would have two choices - either a 3,800sf office with 26 parking spaces or a 99osf office with 13 parking spaces. It seems rather deceitful to me that you didn’t elaborate the whole truth. You never mentioned about the carriers all having to move to Monticello if we only have 990sf. I happened to see the story on my computer, which caught my interest, when it mentioned the Becker post office relocation. The story was put out by a St. Cloud radio station (WJON). How can the general public understand what you are really talking about? I feel it would be in everyone’s best interest if you put a retraction (or addition) into our local newspaper, The Patriot, giving our people the whole truth. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mary A. Gillham

Postmaster, retired

Becker, MN