Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor


State of Education or Education State? Tim Walz, candidate and re-elected official, promised transparency in government and boosts in education.  Transparency is lacking, and the boost came as free food and in higher salaries while declines in academic test scores continue.  The federal government requires regular testing based upon each state’s academic standards with reports to the public by school and district with separate reports for minorities, special ed students and those in poverty.   Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAS) are administered every spring. 

• Reading in grades 3-8 and 10; • Math in grades 3-8 and 11; • Science in grades 5 and 8 and once in high school.  Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) for students with special needs occur in the same grades.Starting in 2004, results became available to the public about State Fair time. That was too transparent for some.  Last week, the DFL-controlled Senate (SF 3567) eliminated the performance comparisons and moved the reporting date to December...too late to enroll in another school or modify that year’s curriculum and after the elections in November.  The rationale excuse was to relieve the pressure on the teachers at the beginning of the school year.  Reality—NO teachers release that data; report cards come from the MDE.  Parents have the right to choose the best schools for their children.  Teachers adjust the curriculum to improve the learning scenario for the learners before mid-year. Stakeholders deserve transparency and accountability in how their tax dollars are spent on education. 

Dr. Phyllis E. VanBuren 

Clearwater, MN 


Congrats to the Becker Robotics team for their recent successes!  Fresh off their victory in Iowa, CIS 4607 competed in the inaugural Granite City Regional held this past weekend in St. Cloud.  The 2 day event required well over a hundred volunteers and was led by our robotics coach, Alex Jurek. More than 50 teams from across Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin competed at the River Center.  Each day, the program began with the Becker American Legion #193 Presenting the Colors. What a great event showcasing Becker students, coaches, mentors, volunteers and our American Legion members. Alex, thank you for being such a wonderful ambassador of our community and good luck in Houston!

Heidi Mesik

Becker, MN