Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor

I recently celebrated my birthday on May 31, and what a unique day it was for me. I am most fortunate to work as a para at the Becker Middle School. Last year on May 31, 2017, I attended a Twins game with the seventh grade class, a wonder ful day for me. This past birthday I spent the day at the school with all the students and my friends from the faculty, paras and all the wonderful support staff. The entire seventh grade class sang Happy Birthday to me at which time, it brought tears to my eyes, what could be better?
These last two years have been the best birthdays I have ever had. The students and staff at this school are just the best. Mr. Baunes’ sixth grade class sang to me and served cupcakes along with all the birthday wishes. The day was topped off with a gathering of my many faculty friends and fellow paras at the Mexican restaurant here in Becker. To all my friends at Becker Middle School, I thank you againfor the two best birthdays I have ever had.
Rick Speer,
Becker, MN.
To the 2018 graduates of Becker High School, I, our staff, and our clients would like to express our deepest thanks and appreciation for the very generous gift that you gave to Great River Faith in Action from your Baccalaureate Ceremony last week. It has been a privilege to work with many of you that have volunteered with us over the years.
Your choosing to honor us in this way truly says a lot about the Christ-focused young men and women that you have become and are continuing to grow into. We pray that God will bless you and lead you as you venture into whatever paths that He leads you. In His Peace & Grace,
Curtis Hed,
Executive Director of Great River Faith in Action
Becker, MN.