Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor 10 4 14

I recently learned that one of the new candidates for Becker City Council may be suggesting we consider the elimination of the Becker Police Dept.  Some may recall that in 2004 there was a previous attempt by our elected officials to eliminate the Becker Police Department and contract with the Sherburne County Sheriff’s department for our police service.  
As a retired 30 year veteran of law enforcement, I speak with experience when I state that the Becker Police Department and its leadership is an outstanding agency that provides a crucial and professional service to our city.  The importance of having a dedicated police department here cannot be underestimated. In law enforcement, emergency medical services, and lifesaving, sometimes seconds do count.  
When choosing to move here with my wife and children in 2002, we considered all the city of Becker had to offer, not the least of which included the police department, the fire department, the school district, the community center, and the golf course.  Becker attracts families with strong family values because of all it has to offer.  We enjoy the freedom and security of living in a community with a low crime rate because of the values of its residents and the quality service of its police department.
I strongly encourage all Becker residents to show their support for the Becker Police Department and send a message to our elected officials that the elimination of the police department is not an option.
Kean Raygor,
Becker, MN.