Friday, October 18th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters To The Editor 10 11 14

As one of the candidates for city council I felt it was important for me to address last weeks editorial from Mr. Raygor. The police department from my perspective has been very professional and helpful to me and my family any time we have asked for assistance. Going door to door visiting with citizens, feedback concerning our police department has been positive therefore there are no changes to consider. I would ask that all citizens when a rumor about a candidate surfaces to please consider the source and what their motives might be and if you are comfortable to contact the candidate directly.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at
Adam Maskowski,
Becker, MN.
You can’t hardly turn on the TV without seening an ad for Al Franken talking about all the great and wonderful things he’s done for Minnesota. But what has he done? I can’t think of anything he’s done that’s made anything better for anyone. (Obamacare maybe?) All he’s done is whatever Harry Reid and the preident tell him to do.
Your choice is simple: If you are happy with the way things are going and the direction the country is headed by all means vote for Al Franken and more of the same. But if you care about this country and want to see things get back to the way they should be then vote for Mike McFadden.
Al Franken likes to attack Mike McFadden. For what? For being successful in business? We need someone who is successful and can get things done. Not more of what we’ve had for the last six years.
Howard Osgood,
Becker, MN.