Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Letter To The Editor

Assets and Liabilities.
The city of Becker has grown from a small town to a small city that offers much to its citizens. Although the city is currently in a bit of a downturn in some services and businesses being offered, I believe Becker is a nice place to live and to raise a family. Having utilized many of the services being offered, I find the assets to outweigh the laibilities and I am choosing to continue as a Becker resident while others may choose otherwise. 
Making the decision as to where we live and raise a family is a major decision and therefore requires a deep review of the facts about services and amenities available.
One unique amenity that Becker offers that other small cities don’t offer, is a golf course that ranks high on the list of golf courses available in the area. Much controversy has surrounded the ownership of a golf course with respect to the cost of having such an amenity.
Having utilized this and other amenities recently, I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the utilization of this and other beautiful amenities. I believe its time to make the determination of whether these amenities are “assets or liabilities” with regard to total impact. I believe the city must consider all the facts regarding the impact on businesses and citizens. My thoughts include how many people were attracted to Becker, how much increase in taxes are generated, how much have amenities impacted home sales and values, how have amenities impacted other businesses in Becker?
We have just gone through a major dip in our economy that has affected us all, and now it appears to be the catalyst to change the course the city has chosen to take over the last 30 years. Let’s not make hasty decisions to abandon the efforts of our previous leaders in the city, let’s utilize what we have learned and move forward in a positive direction to an invigorated future in this beautiful city.
Dennis Carlson,
Becker, MN.