Monday, May 20th, 2024 Church Directory

Letter To The Editor

Thank you to Mayor Lefty Kleis and council member Rick Hendrickson for addressing the condition and use of the restrooms on the Blue Nine. We now know those restrooms are not for public use despite public investment. Wouldn’t it then be considered a private course if the benefits, even at a small scale, are exclusive? Although the golf manager was dishonest about the condition of the restrooms what was disturbing was that a city council member seemed more concerned about not calling management a liar and less concerned with the fact that he did. This is another example of a double standard that exists. Mayor Kleis recently faced disciplinary action from the city council for allegedly lying and was proven innocent. In this instance it appears that if you are on the right side of the right people you can get away with similar behavior with no accountability. Could it be that some council members would like to see the course become a private club at taxpayer expense?
I'm glad the community center is not exclusive to one group of individuals and that the facilities are available for the entire community without regard to membership. It is genuinely an asset to the community that you do not need to read full page articles about week after week to justify or win public approval for it's existence and definitely deserves our support and the recognition to go along with it. Thank You.
Adam Maskowski,
Becker, MN.