Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 Church Directory

Letter To The Editor

I submitted the following letter back about 10 years ago and it is even more true today than it was then. I support our Police, ICE, Border Patrol, Veterans, Service Members, Firefighters & most of all our President for trying to protect all Americans! Everybody needs to get out and vote, we need fresh blood in our Congress that also wants to work for all American Citizens! 
Are we truly free? I believe we all need to think about what is happening in our country and what our elected government officials stand for and are doing.
If you want to smoke, drink, gamble, eat large restaurant servings, consume saturated fats or not wear a seat belt; it is not the government’s duty to regulate our life or create laws to tell us how to make our personal decisions. Right or wrong it is our responsibility to make decisions on our personal health & safety, as long as we do no harm or defraud others. 
I for one do not want or need them to tell me how to live. Are we sure they are really trying to protect us or are they pompous do-gooders forcing how they think we should live on us or are the insurance company’s lobbyist behind this? 
There are so many other important issues that need our elected official’s attention, like protecting us from terrorists, guarding our borders and ports, addressing illegal immigration (that’s another issue), how about changing our tax system to a usage tax so everyone (millionaires, drug dealers, hookers, illegal immigrants, etc) pays taxes, keeping our social security system funded, protecting our children from lead imports from China, making sure the food system is safe for human consumption or taking care of our armed forces.
Next thing you know they will be creating a law of when we can flush our toilets or that you can’t innocently hug or hold hands with a friend in school or on the street! Maybe there should be a law created to limit the terms for all of our elected officials to 12 years max, no more career politicians, fresh blood is always a good thing.
What kind of America are we leaving our children and grandchildren? We need to wake up or we risk losing our freedom! 
Wanda Herkenhoff
Becker, MN.