Friday, May 3rd, 2024 Church Directory

Election Is A Simple One

Even prior to Monday’s Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, talk has been circulating through face-to-face conversations as well as social media platforms on who one should vote for this Nov. 8?
Following the debate, many die-hard Republicans and Democrats victoriously proclaimed their candidate as “winning” the debate. Many agreed with some of the polls while some shrugged it off as party rhetoric and slander.
Here we are today, 39 days from the election and many people still stare off in a frozen glance like a deer when asked which candidate they plan to vote for.
Most people (I’m assuming) on either side of the aisle just abhor the candidate opposite their party. So they’ve already pre-decided who they plan to vote for based on their hatred for the other candidate. 
Forget the candidate’s stance on the pertinent issues — it’s way more important to not vote for the other candidate based on their abominable character.
I’ll admit, it’s hard to  side with either candidate based on their personality, their prideful arrogance and their shady backgrounds. Neither candidate remotely resembles a person of strong character like a Lincoln or a Reagan or a Kennedy.
(The reason for that may well be our own fault and the media with the onslaught of social media venues and the daily character assassinations of just about any celebrity).
It’s already predetermined that all the “lefty-lefts” and the “righty-rights” will be voting for their candidate — no holds barred. The ones who will obviously make this election tilt one way or the other are the moderates — the voters who don’t align themselves politically with one party, but vote according to the issues, the promises and what’s most important to them and their future.
For those who question, “How can anybody possibly vote for a criminal like Hillary?” are probably the same people who are asked,  “How can you possibly support a loud-mouth bully like Trump?”
It’ll all come down to the moderates and the silent majority. Remember, though, if the silent majority remain silent, nothing will ever change. Just saying.
This year’s election is critical to the future of the U.S. in the fact the next POTUS will most likely have the opportunity to appoint two, four or more supreme court justices that could swing the path of this nation’s laws in favor of one party for many, many years to come.
I once saw a meme that read, “The problem with Washington is that we’ve all become Democrats and Republicans instead of Americans. Everything is aimed at enhancing a political position instead of strengthening America.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
For you moderates and silent majorities who dislike both candidates, I think the answer on who to vote for is a simple one. Close your eyes and think back on the last, let’s say 10 years. Now look forward about 10 years and imagine how this country will look through your eyes, say in 2026.
Now, ask yourself this question... “Do I think the nation is going in a good direction? Do I like where I see myself and future generations in 10 years?”
If you answered, “yes”, then vote for Clinton.
If you answered “no”, vote for Trump.
It really is that simple.