Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 Church Directory

Becker’s Five Year Strategic Plan

(Editor’s Note: The following column was submitted by Becker Schools Superintendent Jeremy Schmidt.)

The Becker School Board officially adopted its five year strategic plan.

The plan was developed with strong community participation.  At a recent meeting, the Becker Public School Board formally adopted a new strategic plan that will guide the district for the next five years. The process involved a number of ways for community stakeholders to be involved including internal and external surveys. Listening sessions were held with community members, staff, and students. A Strategic Planning Committee made up of about 50 stakeholders assisted in the development of the new plan. 

Gail Gilman, Director of Strategic Planning and Board Leadership with the Minnesota School Boards Association assisted in the development and facilitation of the planning process and provided guidance to the district throughout. Connecting with community members during this process allowed for a greater understanding of the community and what role the school needs to play within the district. 

Students and staff also took an active role during the development of the belief, mission, and vision statements. The plan is community inspired and community focused. The new 2022-2027 Strategic Plan provides a series of belief statements that will guide decision making in the district as well as a new mission statement and vision statement to update what Becker Public Schools stands for. 

The new mission statement for Becker Public Schools is “Developing Self-Directed Learners to Thrive in a Changing Global Community.” This mission statement will be updated throughout district materials to set a new course for Becker Public Schools. 

A new vision statement was also adopted by the district, one that came directly from community members who served on the Strategic Planning Committee. “Imagining Possibilities, Discovering Potential, Inspiring the Future” is the new vision of the district which puts a focus directly on student growth and achievement, which is one of the newly established focus areas for goals. 

Focus areas for the Strategic Plan include: 

● Student Growth and Achievement; 

● Safety and Well Being;

● Staff Development and Support;

● Family and Community Engagement; and

● Effective Resource Management.

To view the new Becker School District Strategic Plan, visit the Becker Public School District website.