Friday, May 3rd, 2024 Church Directory

Prescribed Burns Help Oak Savanna At Sherburne Refuge

(Submitted article by the SNWR)

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge is planning a series of prescribed burns to be conducted during the spring season to help maintain the natural habitats for wildlife and reduce the chance of wildfires outside the refuge.  The refuge averages around 4,000 acres of prescribed burning each year.  Last year Sherburne Refuge only conducted 16 prescribed burns for 748 acres due to the cold and wet spring season.
Through habitat management programs, such as prescribed burning, Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge is restoring the natural ecosystem.
The oak savanna ecosystem, with its plants and wildlife, is adapted to fire and depends on periodic burning for continued existence.
For further information about programs and activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Great Lakes-Big Rivers Region, please visit our website at