Thursday, March 13th, 2025 Church Directory

GRRL - Clearwater Events

Great River Regional Library - Event Announcements

Headquarters: 1300 W. St. Germain St. - St. Cloud, MN 56301 - 320-650-2500 -

Clearwater LibraryFor more info contact: Shelly Kuelbs - Phone: 320-558-6001

Hours: MON. 1 - 6, TUE. 10 – 1 & 3 - 6, WED. 3 - 8, THU. 10 - 1, FRI. 3 - 6, SAT. 10 - 1

Photography Workshop

Learn to take better pictures from the combined experience of this group of amateur photographers. Beginners are encouraged to attend. Open discussion starts at 6:00 p.m. For teens and adults.  

Wednesdays, March 3 and April 6         

6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Intro to Block Printing

Block printing can be used to create greeting cards, paper crafts and designs on fabric for custom made clothing and accessories. Spend the morning with local artist, Megan Larson, as you learn to design and carve a vinyl tile. Use your tile, and others that Megan provides, to block print the cover for a journal that will be yours to take home. For ages 13 and up. Registration required. Limit 15. A Legacy event.

Saturday, March 26

11:00 12:30 p.m.

Unicorn Day Take & Make

Pick up a Take & Make kit to celebrate the day of this favorite mythical creature. While supplies last.

Saturday, April 9          

During open hours