Thursday, March 13th, 2025 Church Directory

GRRL - Becker Events

Great River Regional Library - Event Announcements

Headquarters: 1300 W. St. Germain St. - St. Cloud, MN 56301 - 320-650-2500 -

Becker LibraryFor more info contact: Jeannette Burkhardt - Phone: 763-261-4454

Starting January 3, 2022: NEW Hours: MON. 1 - 7, TUE. 10 - 5, WED. 10 - 5, THU. 1 - 7, FRI. 1 - 5, SAT. 10 - 1

Becker Book Club

Read the monthly book selection and join the group for discussion. If you haven’t read the book, join the group anyway. Stop by the desk to hear about our current book title and get details. Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For adults. Registration is required.

Dr. Seuss Hat Hunt

Let’s celebrate Dr. Seuss’s March birthday. Look for striped hats hidden around the Becker Library and receive a sticker for completing the hunt.

Tuesday, March 1 to Saturday, March 26

During library open hours.

What’s Growing in Your Garden?

Stop by the library for this vegetable guessing game to help us celebrate the Becker Library’s Locally Growin’ fundraising month. This is a self-directed activity.

Tuesday, March 1 to Saturday, March 26                                   

During library open hours.

Storytime Wednesdays

Children, with a favorite adult, enjoy books, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building language, early literacy and school readiness skills through reading, singing, talking and playing. Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For ages 2-6. Registration required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Library.

Wed. March 9, 16, 23 & 30 and April 6, 13, 20 and 27

10:30 to 11:00 a.m.

 Bleeding Blossoms Take and Make

Using the items provided in the kit, learn about capillary action and the properties of materials in this science art project. Kits available while supplies last. For ages 6-12. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Library.

Wednesday, March 9

During library open hours.

Wire Sculpture Class

Join Marilyn Dirkswager and learn about wire sculpture while making a sculpture of your own during this in-person class. All supplies provided. Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For ages teen and adults.  Limit 12. Registration required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Library.

Monday, March 14

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Fantastic Beasts Scavenger Hunt

Get into the spirit of the new Fantastic Beasts movie: The Secrets of Dumbledore! Search the Becker Library for fantastic beasts and register for the chance to win a prize!

Friday, April 15 to Saturday, April 30

During library open hours.

Glass Mosaic Class

Learn about the unique art of glass mosaic work with instruction from Laura Ruprecht. All supplies provided to create a glass mosaic to take home. Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For ages 10 and up. Limit 15. Registration required. A Legacy event.

Monday, April 18

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Author visit-Mary Casanova

Mary Casanova, author of One Dog Canoe and Moose Tracks will be presenting at the Performing Arts Center in Becker. Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For all ages. Registration required. A Legacy event.

Monday, April 18

1:30 to 2:15 p.m.

Storybook Art

Art is in the eye of the beholder! We will discuss the beauty of abstract art and create crumpled paper art based on the story “Ish” by Peter H. Reynolds.  Social distancing measures will be in place at programs. Please stay home when sick. For ages 6-10. Limit 12. Registration required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Library.

Thursday, April 21

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Becker Schools Art Show and J2J

Bring mom, dad, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas to the Becker Schools Art show. The library will display art produced by students in the Becker School District. Cello and flute music provided by J2J will fill the air to enhance your viewing experience. For all ages. Sponsored by the Friends of the Becker Library and a Legacy event.

Thursday, April 28

4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Artist Stroll

Stroll around the Community Center lawn and learn about different artists throughout history. This stroll is in conjunction with the Becker Schools Art Show, hosted in the Becker Public Library and is self-directed.

Thursday, April 28

4:30 to 6:00 p.m.