Friday, March 14th, 2025 Church Directory
RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY. (From left to right) Paul Knier, Deb, Dallas, and Jo Jo Carlson, Scott Creighton, Hanna Klimmek, Corrie Scott, Sam Hanson, Kameron Hanson, Paul Seefeld and son, Tara Kohl, Gina Wolbeck, Julie Brandt, Norm Michaels, and Therese Haffner. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach).
Friends Ron Betzler and Frank Barger take on Denise Barger and Cindy Hunt following the ceremony. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach)
(From left to right) Deb Carlson, Gwen Radel, Mack, Courtney, Jo Jo, Andrew, Kenny and Dallas Carlson. Friends and family of Premier Marine’s CEO Chris Carlson. (Patriot Photo by Don Bellach)
Mayor Paul Knier teams up with Gwen Radel to play against Deb and Andrew Carlson. (Patriot photo by Don Bellach)

Pickleball community already forming at ribbon cutting ceremony

After almost a year of planning and construction, the city of Big Lake formally recognized the completion of four new pickleball courts at Hudson Park by hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday.  

Mayor Paul Knier, Council Members Sam Hanson and Paul Seefeld, city employees, Big Lake Chamber Executive Director Julie Brandt, friends and family members of Premiere Marine’s CEO Chris Carlson, and local pickleball enthusiasts were all in attendance to watch as Scott Creighton, Park Advisory Committee member, cut the ribbon. 

Knier took a moment to thank everyone who had a hand in constructing the courts.  He thanked Norm Michaels, Streets, Parks, and Fleet Superintendent, and his team for all their work, the Parks Board, the taxpayers of Big Lake, and Premier Marine.  Premier sponsored the courts and recently donated $25,000 to the city and pledged an additional $25,000 in 2025. 

Knier concluded his remarks by saying, “May these courts be a source of recreation, and fun, and community, and good health for years and years and years to come. Let’s give them lots of use.”

Big Lake residents Frank and Denise Barger, Cindy Hurt and Elk River friend Ron Betzler were all on hand for the ribbon cutting.  In fact, they have been watching the construction as it has progressed since the first concrete slabs were poured to the day they put up the fencing and nets.  They were all in agreement that the location at Hudson Park was picture perfect as the courts are surrounded by large trees and grassy knolls.  They are all avid fans of pickleball and play often.  Hurt rode her bike from her home to be in attendance and to play a few sets.

Barger mentioned that he hopes people come out even if they don’t have anyone to play with.  

“Anyone’s welcome,” he said. “You don’t need a group.  Someone always needs a player.”

Barger proved to be prescient as Deb Carlson invited Knier to play a couple of sets with herself and her son Andrew and friend Gwen Radel.