Friday, May 17th, 2024 Church Directory
Brayden H., Jadyn G., Koda S. and Will H. hang out with their straw-filled buddy.
Ben E., Michael P., John M. and Max B. and their lacrosse scarecrow.
Kayli C., Andres C., Elli K. and Fiona Z. strike a pose next to their creation.

Getting ‘Scary’ At Clearview

Following a long-standing tradition, earlier this month Clearview Elementary’s sixth-graders created scarecrows to adorn the exterior of their school for fall. 
Students gathered in groups of three and four to plan their themes, which were all based on family activities. After brainstorming, each group turned in a sketch of their scarecrow along with a list of items they would need to bring their idea to life. 
Three sixth-grade parents donated the straw used for the scarecrows, which was used to cover the plants in the school’s reading garden after they were taken down on Thursday.