Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

County seeking $1.38m for Co. Rd. 11 project

The Sherburne County Board Tuesday passed a resolution in support of submitting an application to the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program to complete planning and design work for a grade-separated railroad crossing at Hwy. 10 and Co. Rd. 11.

If awarded funding, the county would be responsible for planning, environmental review, concept development and preliminary design of the proposed project.

The county is seeking $1,380,000 in funding. If awarded, the county is responsible for a local match of $345,000.

Responder Grant

The board approved and accepted an Office of Justice Programs Grant Award of $198,287.17. The award is to fund a second Co-Responder in Sherburne County. The responder is a Mental Health Professional that works alongside the five law enforcement agencies (Big Lake PD, Becker PD, Elk River PD, St. Cloud PD, and the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office). The award is a two-year grant, with a possible option to renew after the two-year cycle has been completed.

School Recycling

The board approved a School Recycling & Source Separated Organics SCORE Grant of $10,000 for Becker Middle School. The school intends to purchase two bulk milk machines to reduce milk carton waste. They will also implement reusable drinking cups which allows students to fill their cup with the amount they wish to drink, leading to less liquid food waste. The project will reduce milk and milk carton waste.

K-9 Retiring

The board approved the retiring of K-9 Deputy Jax after seven years of service. His handler, Sergeant Brad Muellner, has requested to keep Jax as his personal companion and will take over all care and responsibility of Jax.

Waste Advisory

The board appointed the following individuals to the Waste Management Advisory Committee for 2025-2027:  Linda Campbell, representing Commissioner Dist. 1; Lisa Nelson, representing Commissioner Dist. 3; Peggy Patten, representing  Commissioner Dist. 5; Tim Steinbeck, At Large member.

Other Business

In other actions the board:

• Approved a Gambling Premises Permit for Ducks Unlimited Wigeon Chapter #309 for an event on Feb. 22 at the Getaway Bar at 26211 184th Street in Orrock Twp.;

• Approved a MN Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit for the Dylan Witschen Foundation, to be used for a raffle on Aug. 20 at Wild Marsh Sporting Clays, 13481 Co. Rd. 3 in Santiago Twp.;

• Approved a rebate of 5,414.72  to The Garage Guys LLC. The Garage Guys LLC has paid their 2024 property taxes in full and will be receiving a tax rebate on the county’s portion of their taxes according to the individual agreement on file;

• Approved a request for Revocation of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for JK Real Estate Services. The CUP was issued for a single-family residence in a commercial district on Hwy. 25 in Big Lake Twp. The house has been removed, so there is no need for the CUP;

• Appointed Big Lake Council Member Ken Geroux as Municipal Representative to the Minnesota Dept. of Transportation’s Region 7W Transportation Policy Board;

• Approved and adopted the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) 2025-2030 Plan.