Friday, September 13th, 2024 Church Directory
CLEARWATER TWP. SUPERVISORS Rose Thelen and Keith Heaton discuss road projects during the township’s August meeting. (Photo by Penny Leuthard)

Clearwater Twp. to try dry chloride

During their recent meetings, the Clearwater Twp. Board of Supervisors discussed applying dry chloride to its gravel roads, future road projects, and junk property ordinance violations.

Road Report

At several meetings the board discussed chloride options, looking to save the township money. Maintenance Supervisor Troy Mavencamp indicated it could be a cost saving for the township to try dry chloride, which is magnesium instead of calcium and is not corrosive or harmful to the environment.

In July, the board agreed they would like to try it and approved the purchase of $1,800 of dry chloride, which will cover approximately two miles of road. 

During the August meeting, Mavencamp informed the board the chloride had been purchased and the necessary water tank had been set up so the township could try out the system on roads that need touchups. 

Current and future road projects were discussed, including this year’s chip sealing projects, chip seal projects for 2025, and the intersection of 155th and Grover Ave., which has already been surveyed. The curve on Grover was also discussed, which has a poor sightline. The engineer has suggested it either be realigned or slow speed signs erected coming from both ways. 

A quote from the engineer will be obtained before the board makes a final decision.

A resident requested a ‘blind person’ sign be erected on Hart. The state has indicated it doesn’t want extra road signs along roads. The subject will be looked at and discussed again at a future meeting.

Supervisor Rose Thelen once again repeated concerns about road speeds in the township. She informed the board that an Advisory Council on Traffic Safety had been started last year. She went to a meeting and brought up the issue and was told that currently, lower speeds can only be put in place on rural roads if there are numerous houses close to one another.

The council is going to look at adding a spokesperson from the townships to their board.

Thelen also informed the board that the state is looking at changing its solid waste ordinance to state that garbage haulers now have to offer recycling; currently, townships have to ask for it.

A motion carried approving the resolution that Clearwater Twp. will accept a portion of Grover Ave. NW for maintenance.

A road tour was planned for Sept. 10; one hasn’t been done for a few years. 

Other Business

Regarding the junk property ordinance violation discussed during the last few meetings, all the information was handed over to the county after several attempts to contact the property owner were unsuccessful. Two other junk property ordinance violations have already been taken care of.

Motions carried approving the Clearwater Lions Club liquor license and Michael Wheeler’s request for a variance to construct a deck.

During spring cleanup day in May, the township received 158 loads, filling seven dumpsters. The final cost was $5,780. 

The next Clearwater Twp. meeting will be Sept. 11 at 7 p.m.