Thursday, September 12th, 2024 Church Directory

Becker Twp. to review Bridgeview project

The Becker Township Board met Monday evening, with road projects, commercial development and septic systems among the items on the agenda.

Dave Roden, a resident of the Bridgeview development, spoke to the board regarding the recent road project.  He complimented the condition of the new roadway, but voiced concerns that he and his neighbors share about the hydro-seeding of the shoulder areas.  Despite ample rainfall and many parcels with irrigation,  he contended that the right of way seeding was taken over by weeds, including sundburs.

Township Engineer William Tessmer noted that the issue is fairly common and presents a challenge in holding the contractor responsible because of the multitude of factors when it comes to growing grass near a roadway.  

The supervisors discussed the issue and instructed Tessmer to reach out to the contractor to try and find a solution, which could include re-seeding.  They also indicated that despite approving the payment on the project (separate agenda item), there is enough retainage being held back to ensure that the issue can be rectified.

It was noted that it is becoming more common for townships to gravel a three foot section on the shoulder because of the difficulties as presented in this case, but that for now they will seek the establishment of better turf to complete the project.

A public hearing was held to gather input on the proposed subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance amendment, but no one was present to speak on the issue.

The board then adopted the updated ordinance, as was required by recent statutory changes mandated by the State of MN.  The biggest change requires house additions to have sewer compliance checks on a much shorter timeline (3-5 years) compared to the old language which was set at 10 years.

In other business, the board:

• Heard from Sgt. Kevin Grams about last month’s 203 calls for service from the SCSO, which included several medicals;

• Discussed the preliminary application from United Sales, a school bus company that is looking to develop a Hwy. 10 parcel in the Gateway Plaza area;

• Heard a report from Tessmer about the 137th Street reclaim, as well as the paving on 67th Street;

• Approved a NAS (Network Attached Storage) system for Town Hall, which is superior to cloud storage in terms of both fast, local access and higher data control;

• Accepted a quote to fix the basement door to control moisture;

• Heard a report on the status of the local Fire Marshal and learned that burning permit information is now updated on the township website;

• Unanimously approved ending the COVID Preparedness Plan and leaving it up to employees and their health care providers to make decisions on return to work protocols.