Sherburne County Board of Commissioners
September 5, 2023 - County Board Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
The Sherburne County Board of Commissioners convened in regular session on September 5, 2023, at the Sherburne County Government Center in the City of Elk River, MN. Call to order by the Chair was at 9:00am.
Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Regular Meeting Proposed Agenda
Danielowski/Gray were unanimous to approve the agenda as amended with the removal of item 12.2 County Investments and Policies Workshop.
Open Forum
No one was present.
Consent Agenda
Danielowski/Felber were unanimous to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Approved the County Board Meeting Minutes: August 15, 2023 Administration
Approved County Workshop Meeting Minutes: August 15, 2023 Administration
Approved Special Workshop Meeting Minutes: August 22, 2023 Administration
Advertisement of a Public Hearing for 2024 Fee Schedule Changes. Administration
Bruce Messelt, County Administrator
Approved advertising of a Public Hearing for October 3, 2023 to consider possible changes to the Sherburne County All Services and Fee Schedule, which would be made effective January 1, 2024.
Coal Community Grant Application. Administration
Jessica Barthel, Economic Development Coordinator
Approved the submittal of an application for the Coal Communities Get Ready! Challenge Grant.
Digital Sign Policy. Administration
Gina Hugo, Park Coordinator
Approved the proposed Digital Sign Policy for inclusion in the County Administrative Policy Manual. (On file.)
Three-Year Service Agreement for the Purpose of Printing and Mailing Sherburne County’s Tax Statements, Valuation Notices, and TnT Notices. Auditor / Treasurer
Diane Arnold, County Auditor/Treasurer, Michelle Moen, County Assessor
Approved the County Auditor-Treasurer to enter into a service agreement to outsource the printing and mailing of the Tax Statements, Valuation Notices, and TnT Notices for the years of 2024, 2025, and 2026 with American Solutions for Business. (On file.)
Commissioner & Manual Warrants. Auditor / Treasurer
Diane Arnold, County Auditor/Treasurer
Approved Commissioner and Manual Warrants as follows:
August 11 2023, Commissioner Warrants $2,606,373.89
August 11 2023, Manual Warrants $16,300.50
August 16 2023, Manual Warrants BMO Harris Pcard July $64,976.91
August 16, 2022, Commissioner Warrants Court Order $6,133.36
August 18 2023, Commissioner Warrants $959,838.03
August 18 2023, Manual Warrants $273,695.30
August 25 2023, Commissioner Warrants $2,308,181.73
August 25 2023, Manual Warrants $50,978.57
Approve Minutes and Authorize Signatures for the County Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting Held on June 13, 2023. Auditor / Treasurer
Diane Arnold, County Auditor/Treasurer
Approved minutes and authorized the County Board Member’s signature on the official Documents from the County Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting held June 13, 2023, with the Originals being filed with the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office and a copy provided to the County Assessor, to be filed with the MN Department of Revenue. (On file.)
Three Rivers Community Foundation Grant Award. Health & Human Services
Jodi Heurung-Dick, Social Services Manager
Approved the acceptance of the Three Rivers Community Foundation Grant Award. Total amount of grant is $3,000 with a term of September 5, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
August 18, 2023 HHS IFS Admin Warrants. Health & Human Services
Amanda Larson, HHS Director
Approved the HHS IFS Warrants as follows:
August 18, 2023 HHS IFS Admin Warrants $$30,653.32
Community Living Infrastructure Grant Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP) Amendment. Health & Human Services
Jodi Heurung-Dick, Social Services Manager
Approved HHS to accept additional funding in the amount of $55,000.00 from the Department of Human Services under the CLI FMAP Grant Amendment. Term of this grant shall be June 2022 through March 31, 2024. (On file.)
Reclassification of a Lead Social Worker to Social Work Supervisor. Health & Human Services
Amanda Larson, HHS Director
Approved the reclassification of a Lead Social Worker to Social Work Supervisor with an effective date of 10/1/23. This reclassification would come at a cost of $6,842 from 10/1/2023 through 12/31/2024.
Alerus Retirement and Benefits Master Administrative Services Agreement. Human Resources
Tammy Bigelow, HR Director
Approved the Master Administrative Services Agreement with Alerus Retirement and Benefits Services and authorized the Board Chair to execute the agreement. (On file.)
Professional Services Agreement with LHB Corporation for Design Services of the CSAH 5 Pedestrian Bridge Over Elk River (SP 071-090-007). Public Works
Andrew Witter, Public Works Department Head
Approved the Professional Services Agreement with LHB Corp for the design services on the CSAH 5 Pedestrian Bridge over the Elk River (SP 071-090-007). (On file.) This agreement shall commence on September 5, 2023 and shall terminate on the date that all obligations have been fulfilled and all deliverables have been approved by the County.
Joint Powers Agreement with Baldwin Township for the 99th Street Realignment. Public Works
Andrew Witter, Public Works Department Head
Approved the Joint Powers Agreement with Baldwin Township for the 99th Street realignment. This agreement shall commence on September 5, 2023 and terminate on the date that the Joint County and Township Project has been completed and all obligations of the agreement have been fulfilled. (On file.)
Joint Powers Agreement with Wright County for Preliminary Engineering Services for the SP 088-070-088 Project.
Public Works
Andrew Witter, Public Works Department Head
Approved the Joint Powers Agreement with Wright County for the Preliminary Engineering Services related to project SP 088-070-088. This agreement shall commence on September 5, 2023 and shall terminate following closeout of the MnDOT Grant.
Resolution No. 090523-AD-3097 Requesting a Design Variance for Project SP 071-596-010. Public Works
Andrew Witter, Public Works Department Head
Approved Resolution No. 090523-AD-3097 requesting a design variance for the extension of the Great northern Trail through the City of Zimmerman, project SP 071-596-010. (On file.)
2023-2024 Toward Zero Death (TZD) Safe Roads Grant. Sheriff
Joel Brott, County Sheriff
Approved the acceptance of the 2023-2024 Toward Zero Death (TZD) Safe Roads Grant for traffic safety projects during the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024 in the amount of $10,124.
2024-2025 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Grant Agreement. Sheriff
Joel Brott, County Sheriff
Approved the acceptance of the 2024-2025 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) grant agreement in the amount of $293,500.00 from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.
Donation to the Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff
Joel Brott, County Sheriff
Approved the acceptance of a $500.00 donation to the Sheriff’s Office Reserves/Mounted Patrol from the Zimmerman Community Club.
Appointment of Keith Streff as Dangerous/Potentially Dangerous Dog Hearing Officer. Sheriff
Joel Brott, County Sheriff
Approved the appointment of Keith Streff as the Dangerous/Potentially Dangerous Dog Hearing Officer for Sherburne County.
Out-of-State Travel for a Sheriff’s Office Employee Sheriff
Joel Brott, County Sheriff
Approved the out-of-state travel for a Sheriff’s Office employee to attend a SniperCraft Advanced Sniper Training in Jaynesville, Wisconsin, from October 22-27, 2023. The cost will include a $665 registration fee plus necessary travel expenses.
County Veteran Services Officer (CVSO) Operational Improvement Grant-FY 2024. Veteran’s Services
Bruce Price, Veterans Services Department Head
Approved and accepted a $15,000.00 Operational Improvement Grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of Veterans Affairs for the Transportation Program, and outreach efforts, and authorized execution of a Grant Agreement for the same. Funds must be spent by June 30, 2024.
Out-of-State Travel for Veterans Services Representative to Attend the VFW’s 2023 Skill Level Training.
Veteran’s Services
Bruce Price, Veterans Services Department Head
Approved a request for out-of-state Travel for Veterans Services Representative Erika Hannon to attend the VFW’s 2023 Skill Level Training in Annapolis, Maryland, Sept 10-14, with all expenses paid via a VFW Scholarship.
Assistant County Administrator Dan Weber reminded the Board that the Soil & Water Conservation District’s Annual Tour will take place on September 21, 2023, and to let Administration know if they would like to be registered.
Regular Agenda
Preliminary and Final Simple Plat for Menkveld Addition-Jack Menkveld Planning & Zoning
Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Danielowski/Felber were unanimous to approve a requested Residential Preliminary and Final Simple Plat for “Menkveld Addition” consisting of (2) lots, with the following (5) Conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission, for PID #10-126-2400; Legal Desc: Legal Desc: That pt of E 1-2 of NW 1-4 (full legal on file). Sec 26, Twp 33, Rge 27. Big Lake Township. 8.3 acres in the General Rural District.
1. Park dedication fees for one (1) lot is $1,200. Park fees must be paid prior to the Public Works Dept signing the plat mylars.
2. A copy of the recorded agreement for driveway improvements on Lot 2 within the “Electric Transmission Easement” between the easement holder and the developer will be required to be submitted to the zoning office prior to zoning signing the mylars.
3. The existing driveway north of proposed lot 1 will be required to be removed prior to Zoning signing the mylars.
4. Must obtain an access permit from Sherburne County Public Works for any improvements to the existing accesses.
5. The plat shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder/Register of Titles, subject to recording fees, within one year of County Board approval of Final Plat.
Interim Use Permit for Medium Contractor’s Yard-Sheldon Pool. Planning & Zoning
Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Felber/Gray were unanimous to approve an Interim Use Permit for Sheldon Pool for a Medium Contractor’s Yard, with the following (14) Conditions and Findings of Fact, as recommended by the Planning Commission for PID #30-015-2100 and #30-015-2200. Property Address: 11605 261st Ave NW, Zimmerman. Legal Desc: NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 (full legal on file). Sec 15, Twp 34, Rge 26. Livonia Township. 54.1 acres in the General Rural District.
1. The interim use permit for occasional special event issued to PID’s 30-015-2100 and 30-015-2200 (Doc #799299) is to be revoked prior to this IUP for a Contractors Yard being recorded. A recording fee of $46 will be required.
2. Use of the property as a Contractor’s Yard is limited to the location identified on the site plan (Packet Attachment D-1).
3.Must obtain a building and septic permit for the proposed building.
4. All exterior lighting shall be directed away from the public right-of-way or neighboring properties.
5. Exterior storage shall be screened from public view as proposed on the site plan or as necessary to provide adequate screening from public view.
6. Per the Township’s comments, the 6’ berms (location per site plan Attachment D-1) must be constructed prior to the operation of the IUP. Applicant must work with the Sherburne County Planning and Zoning Department as to make sure no wetlands are impacted.
7. Driveway and parking areas must be of durable surface (i.e. gravel, class 5, etc.) to avoid dust and tracking on the streets or erosion to the wetlands/private/public ditches.
8. The contractor’s yard is limited to a total 20 commercially licensed vehicles.
9. There may be no more than 20 employees on the property.
10. Nothing can be done in the 16.5’ easement on each side of the county ditch.
11. Days and hours of operation during the months of March- November shall be Mon-Fri from 7 am to 6 pm. Hours of operation during the months of December-April shall be Mon-Sun 24hrs a day.
12. Any signage shall comply with the sign ordinance and a sign permit is required.
13. The applicant shall allow the County to inspect the property during normal business hours.
14. This IUP is issued to Sheldon Pool and Rocky Mountain Construction, Inc. and shall expire with a change in majority ownership of the business or sale of this property.
1. That the Interim Use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the immediate vicinity.
Yes, the property is currently used for agricultural purposes and a portion of the property will continue to be used for that purpose. The nearest residence is over 600ft away from this proposed business. Existing and future screening and the requirement to ensure it is maintained should mitigate impact on neighboring properties.
2. That the establishment of the Interim Use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property for uses predominant in the area. Yes, the establishment of this Interim Use Permit will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding properties. The contractors’ yard will meet the setbacks and all performance standards established in the County Zoning Ordinance for a contractors’ yard.
3. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Yes, the applicant’s business does not have a need for special utilities and has adequate land for access and drainage.
4. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide sufficient off-street parking and loading space to serve the proposed use.
Yes, the contractor’s yard is on 54.10 acres and will have sufficient parking space.
5. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration, so that none of these will constitute a nuisance, and other lights in such a manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result.
Yes, the isolation of the business being over 600ft from any residential use along with noise, dust, odor and erosion measures have been taken into consideration. Also, the existing and proposed tree coverage will maintain and create screening from neighboring Interim Use Permit for 1 MW Solar Farm-SV CSG Becker, LLC. Planning & Zoning
Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Gray/Danielowski were unanimous to approve an Interim Use Permit for SV CSG Becker LLC for a 1 MW Solar Farm, with the following (18) Conditions and Findings of Fact, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for PID # 20-129-4100. Property Address: 9208 River Rd SE, Clear Lake, MN. Legal Desc: That pt of NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 (full legal on file). Sec 29, Twp 34, Rge 29. Clear Lake Township. 41.63 acres in the Agricultural District.
1. Building permit required for on-site supply structure if over 200 sq ft in size.
2. Building permit required for installation of solar panels with engineered plans submitted. Plans must match approved IUP plans.
3. If the required privacy fence around the perimeter of the facility exceeds 7 ft in height it will require a building permit with engineered plans. A 7 ft high non-electric chain link fence will be constructed.
4. A Stormwater Erosion Control permit will be required from the County Zoning Dept prior to any grading on the property and prior to a building permit being issued.
5. Must obtain an NPDES permit from the MPCA and provide a copy to the County Zoning Dept prior to commencing construction.
6. Property owner shall ensure that MPCA day & nighttime noise standards are not exceeded at any time.
7. Operational hours allowed during construction of the facility are Monday through Friday 8AM - 6PM.
8. Decommissioning of solar panels and related facilities must occur in the event the IUP expires or is terminated, and/or the solar panels are not in use for twelve (12) consecutive months. Must follow the Decommissioning plan date stamped July 5, 2023.
9. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the project, the applicant shall provide financial security in the amount of $100,000 per MW, in favor of Sherburne County, to guarantee compliance with the decommissioning plan, site restoration and other terms of this Permit upon project termination or termination of this Permit. The financial security shall be in a form acceptable to the County and, at a minimum, shall consist of a cash escrow to be deposited with the County in an amount no less than 50% of the total required financial security, with an initial deposit of 25% of the total amount deposited prior to issuance of the building permit and eight and one-third percent (8 1/3%) of the total amount deposited annually for three years on or before the anniversary of the issuance of the building permit. The remaining amount of the total financial security shall be provided by way of an irrevocable letter of credit, which shall be in a form acceptable to the County Attorney’s Office and provided prior to the issuance of a building permit, and shall meet the following minimum standards (additional standards may be required): the irrevocable letter of credit shall be issued by a federally chartered or State of Minnesota chartered banking institution with an
branch office located within Sherburne County; shall be issued in the name of the County of Sherburne; shall be issued in an initial amount no less than 75% of the total financial security required by this Permit; shall permit the County to draw on the funds upon demand based on the County’s determination of non-compliance with the terms of this Permit; shall be for an initial term to be established and shall automatically renew for additional terms unless the bank gives the County at least 60 day written notice of an intent to terminate the credit at the end of a term; shall permit the County to draw upon the letter of credit for the full amount in the event a replacement letter of credit acceptable to the County is not issued at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the
existing letter of credit; and shall provide that the letter of credit may not be amended without the written permission of the County.
10. No activities may occur onsite until applicant submits a signed interconnection agreement as required in Section 17, Subd 17 (1A) of the ordinance and proof that the scope of the project is permitted by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission if applicable.
11. The site will be revegetated within 30 days after construction with a low growth & low maintenance native pollinator friendly seed mix not exceeding 24 inches in height. The property will be treated & maintained as needed during the spring & summer months to manage vegetation growth. Property owner will be responsible for vegetation control & weed management during the project’s operating life.
12. Must install 6 foot tall White Pine and Eastern Red Cedar trees along the north, south, east, and west portions of the solar farm as shown on site plan (Attachment B) date stamped, July 5, 2023. However, trees will not need to be planted on the east side of the solar farm if there already exists a solar farm directly adjacent to the east. The trees must be planted staggered in two (2) rows, in each row the trees may be planted no more than 16 feet apart. All planted trees on the property must be maintained and watered as necessary for the duration of the permit. Any dead trees must be replaced on a yearly basis.
13. This IUP is to be valid for 35 years until December 31, 2059. This IUP is valid for SV CSG Becker, LLC and John & Lynette Golly.
14. Decommissioning of project shall involve removal of all project components, including without limitation, solar panels, panel trackers, anchors, supports, mounts, inverters, underground electrical components including underground conduit housing, all underground footings & posts.
15. Signage and emergency contact numbers must be posted at the driveway access to the property.
16. The findings in Section 18, Subd 6, Item 4 of the Zoning Ordinance have been made.
Interim Use Permit for Manufactured Home (Temporary)-Jennifer and Joshua Fitzsimons. Planning & Zoning
Lynn Waytashek, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Danielowski/Felber were unanimous to approve an Interim Use Permit for Jennifer and Joshua Fitzsimons for Manufactured Home (Temporary), with the following (6) Conditions and Findings of Fact, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for PID #10-113-2220. Property Address: 15000 212th Ave NW, Elk River, MN. Legal Desc: N 1-2 of SE 1-4 (full legal on file). Sec 13, Twp 33, Rge 27. Big Lake Township. 5 acres in the General Rural District.
1. The manufactured home shall be occupied by Bruce Lord and the permanent dwelling occupied by family members as the caregivers. The manufactured home shall not be made into a second permanent principle dwelling and must be removed from the property within 120 days of such time that Bruce Lord does not occupy the manufactured home or is no longer in need of assistance.
2. The applicant shall sign a release form that will allow the Zoning Office the ability to verify annually the continuing disability.
3. For the duration of the IUP the County will maintain $5,000 in escrow in the name of Sherburne County, which may be drawn down by the County in its sole discretion for purposes including but not limited to cost of capping and closing of any separate septic systems, administrative and legal fees for the foregoing, and repayment of delinquent personal property taxes on the manufactured home. The escrow shall be held for as long as the manufactured home is on the property. No interest will be paid on the funds.
4. The manufactured home shall share a well with the principle dwelling.
5. The applicant must obtain the necessary building and septic permits prior to moving the manufactured home onto the property.
6.This IUP is issued to Jennifer and Joshua Fitzsimons and shall expire with a change in majority ownership or sale of this property.
1. That the Interim Use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the immediate vicinity.
Yes, the proposed trailer will be located on a heavy wooded lot and will be placed over 100ft from all lot lines. This trailer should not be injurious to property in the immediate vicinity or impair property values.
2. That the establishment of the Interim Use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property for uses predominant in the area. Yes, the surrounding properties are over 5 acres in size and are primarily developed for single family housing. Land to the east is vacant. There is limited opportunity for further development in this area, the proposed use will not impede further development.
3. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Yes, necessary facilities will be provided for the proposed use. The manufactured home will utilize the existing well and septic for the principle dwelling with proper permits. The septic system will be upgraded to handle effluent from the manufactured home.
4. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide sufficient off-street parking and loading space to serve the proposed use.
Yes, there is plenty of parking available for the proposed use.
5. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration, so that none of these will constitute a nuisance, and to control lighted signs and other lights in such a manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will result. Yes, the limited use of the property and the conditions of this IUP should mitigate any potential nuisances to neighboring properties.
Health and Human Services Acceptance of the Grant Award and Consultancy Service Request. Health & Human Services
Amanda Larson, HHS Director
Danielowski/Gray with a 3-2 vote to approve the acceptance of the award of $50,000 from UCare and $150,000 from the Minnesota Department of Health to finance the CultureBrokers proposal. HHS Director Amanda Larson provided background, testimonials, and expected outcomes to the Board.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gray - Aye, Commissioner Felber - Nay, Commissioner Fobbe - Aye, Commissioner Danielowski - Aye,
Commissioner Hulse - Nay
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update and Recommended Approvals and Expenditures. Administration
Dan Weber, Assistant County Administrator
Approved ARPA related project expenditures:
Hulse/Felber were unanimous to approve expenses less than $50,000 equaling $8,740 Courts AV UPS Equipment. (This is a onetime expense.)
Gray/Danielowski were unanimous to approve expenses greater than $50,000 equaling $50,000 for the Parent Support Outreach Program (This is a one-time HHS financial assistance program.)
Round #3 Broadband Requests
Assistant County Administrator Dan Weber provided a recap of Broadband updates to the Board.
Arivg has been awarded a DEED Border to Border Grant In Clear Lake Township. The County formally committed to match up to $112K at the February 21,2023 County Board Meeting. The actual grant request was $91,288. Recently, Clear Lake Township has committed to contributing $5,000 towards the project costs. Total County ARPA Request = $86,288.
Gray/Hulse were unanimous to approve $86,288 to be used for the $561,000 Arvig project that would connect 240 properties.
Midco has also applied for a $100,000 grant match in Livonia Township. Livonia Township has committed to contributing $5,000 towards the project costs.
Danielowski/Gray were unanimous to approve $95,000 to be used for the $633,000 Midco project that would connect 138 properties.
Recess Regular Meeting, Open Regional Rail Authority
Adjourn Regional Rail Authority, Reconvene Regular Meeting
Resolution No. 090523-AD-3098 Setting the Preliminary Levy for the 2023 Regional Rail Authority. Administration
Dan Weber, Assistant County Administrator
Gray/Danielowski were unanimous to approve Resolution No. 090523-AD-3098 setting the preliminary 2024 Regional Rail Authority levy at $0. (On file.)
2024 Non-Union Compensation. Human Resources
Tammy Bigelow, HR Director
Gray/Danielowski were unanimous to approve the 2024 Compensation Plan and 2024 Pay for Performance Compensation Plan for non-union employees, effective January 1, 2024. (On file.)
2024 Non-Union County Health Insurance Contributions. Human Resources
Tammy Bigelow, HR Director
Danielowski/Gray with a 3-2 vote to approve the 2024 County contribution toward health insurance premiums and HRA/HSA accounts, as indicated below, for non-union employees, effective January 1, 2024:
$ 919.40 Single Contribution
$1,575.94 Single + Child(ren) Contribution
$1,640.48 Single + Spouse Contribution
$1,963.14 Family Contribution
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Gray - Aye, Commissioner Felber - Nay, Commissioner Fobbe - Aye, Commissioner Danielowski - Aye,
Commissioner Hulse - Nay
Commissioner Correspondence, Committee Reports, Upcoming Meetings, Future Agenda Items
Commissioner Danielowski - NACo, City of Big Lake Administrator meeting, County Wide Safe Schools, Marijuana Legalization Review with Townships, EDA, CMRP meetings, Special County Board Workshop, Substance Use Prevention meeting, Big Lake Township meeting, Tri-County Solid Waste meeting, Options Board Meeting, Tri-County Pope Douglas Joint Meeting, Webinar for Direct Housing Needs for Greater Mn, Big Elk Lake Legislative Event, Constituent concerns
Commissioner Hulse - EDA, Lake Orono Lake Improvement District meeting, ISD 728 Partners meeting, RSVP Volunteer Appreciation luncheon, Big Elk Lake Legislative Tour, Constituent concerns
Commissioner Felber - Change in Parks Ordinance meeting with County Attorney’s Office, Marijuana Legalization Review with Townships, Princeton EDA meeting, Special County Workshop Meeting, Tri-County Pope Douglas Meeting, SWCD Cover Crop presentation, Big Elk Lake Legislative Event
Commissioner Gray - County Wide Safe Schools Meeting, Big Elk Lake Park meeting, Haven Township Board Meeting, Special Board Workshop, ISD 728 Partners Meeting, RSVP Volunteer Appreciation luncheon, Public Health Meeting, Leisure Pets Health Wellness Event, NACo Rural Affairs meeting, Big Elk Lake Park Legislative meeting, St. Cloud Airport Authority Meeting, Constituent concerns
Commissioner Fobbe - GRRL Collection Sub-Committee Meeting, RSVP Volunteer Appreciation luncheon, SCHSAC Luncheon, Faith Leadership Committee meeting, CMJTS Joint Powers Meeting, CMJTS Community & Government Relations Meeting, Big Elk Lake Legislative Event, Toured Freemont Village in Zimmerman, County Wide Safe Schools meeting, AMC Board Retreat, Tri-Cap meeting, Constituent concerns
Recess Regular Meeting, Break
Reconvene Regular Meeting, Open Closed Session
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(d) to Receive Security Briefing Relating to Security Issues Around the Government Center and the Jail. Administration
Brian Kamman, IT Director
Closed Meeting Pursuant to M.S. 13D.05 Subd. 3(d) Relating To Security Reports - To receive security briefings and reports, to discuss issues related to security systems, and to discuss emergency-response procedures.
Adjourn Closed Session, Reconvene Regular Meeting
Recess Regular Meeting, Open Workshop
Close Workshop, Adjourn Regular Meeting
Commissioner Warrants
8/11/23 388,727.99 General Revenue Fund
2,057,051.70Public Works Fund
8,422.12Human Service Fund
760.72Law Library Fund
39,962.41Solid Waste Fund
9,785.37Jail Commissary Fund
77,020.92Justice Center
Enterprise Fund
1,625.00Agency Collections
5,420.76Taxes & Penalties Fund
17,596.90Payroll Fiduciary Fund
Manual Warrants
8/11/23 2,169.00 General Revenue Fund
14,131.50Agency Collections
Commissioner Warrants Court Order
8/16/23 6,133.36 Public Works Fund
Manual Warrants
8/16/23 51,987.98 General Revenue Fund
7,551.65Public Works Fund
65.97Human Service Fund
34.18Solid Waste Fund
671.52Jail Commissary Fund
4,665.61Justice Center
Enterprise Fund
Commissioner Warrants
8/18/23 567,366.52 General Revenue Fund
247,861.08Public Works Fund
591.67 Law Library Fund
39,066.64Solid Waste Fund
83,592.67Jail Commissary Fund
346.31Sherco Regional
Rail Authority
12,850.00Capital Proj- Building,
Land Acquisition
8,133.14Justice Center
Enterprise Fund
30.00Agency Collections
Manual Warrants
8/18/23 273,695.30 Agency Collections
Commissioner Warrants
8/18/23 29,959.41 Human Service Fund
693.91 Agency Collections
8/18/23 311.78 Barthel/Caleb
600.00BCA-Training and
593.91Children’s Dental Services
600.00Corner House
490.00Influencer Hotspot
825.00J D Power Valuation
1,293.75Lighthouse Child &
Family Services
6,570.66Lutheran Social Service
Of Minnesota
780.50Madden’s on Gull Lake
799.92Real Time Translations, Inc
635.00Seven County Process
Servers, LLC
4,488.00Sherburne Co Sheriff
925.00St Louis County HHS
308.40The Bridge World
Language Ctr Inc
5,315.0243 Payments less than
Commissioner Warrants
8/25/23 697,982.46 General Revenue Fund
585,126.55Public Works Fund
49.00Human Service Fund
5,406.67Law Library Fund
14,483.77Jail Commissary Fund
191.23Sherco Regional
Rail Authority
187,286.13 Justice Center
Enterprise Fund
22,014.50Agency Collections
795,641.42Payroll Fiduciary Fund
Manual Warrants
8/25/23 35,013.57 General Revenue Fund
15,965.00Agency Collections
Lisa A. Fobbe, Board Chairperson
Bruce Messelt, County Administrator
(Published in the Patriot: 09/23/23.)