Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory

Letters to the Editor


Sherburne County has participated in meetings with the State of MN, Stearns County, City of St. Cloud, and St. Cloud Airport Met Council regarding the transportation of  illegal aliens. (A disembarkment location for “sudden arrivals.”) “Sherburne County staff will update the board on the potential for staff and resources to be requested.” One commissioner told me that “...local government nor the airport can actually stop the planes from coming.”  Fortunately, the U.S. and Minnestoa Constitutions do provide a foundation for them to refuse. Neither the elected public servants nor the county staff have the right to aid and abet a foreign invasion. Now is the time to call your city, county, and State elected representatives. Give Cong. Emmer a call too, he  voted for $104 billion to Urkraine while transporting tens of millions of illegals into our country.  Real America’s Voice and are good resources; stay informed and reclaim liberty.  

Teri Dickinson

Big Lake, MN


My name is Chris Corey.  I am running for Congress in CD6 and reside in Big Lake. Our community has a Republican primary on Tuesday, August 13th.  Standing for United States Citizens first is the backbone of my campaign.  We should have the strongest military in the world to protect us.  We need to forcefully eject illegal invaders.  Financially, we can vote out those who waste the citizens hard earned money.  Not all, but most so called republicans are as bad as the democrats.  Congress has no term limits, so I would term limit myself to a short stay.  Too many have become entrenched and fallen in love with power, greed, and enriching themselves.  We can demand full forensic audits for all elections.  Other citizens can step up and run in the future.  If I can do this, so can many of you.  I am shocked to be the only one to file.  Please help change this.  Competition is good. Get back to our country being run by us. Use your free will and vote as you see fit.  You have an option on the ballot.  United States Citizens First can take a stand today!  Have a good one.

Chris Corey

Big Lake, MN